The next meeting of the Grand Rapids chapter of The International Thomas Merton Society is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14th, at 7pm at Baker Book House.
It will be the last meeting in 2018.
Our group takes the month of December off so that people can get their shopping and baking and family visits and traveling done without having to worry about meeting up to discuss Thomas Merton smack dab in the middle of it all.
So if you’d like to join us to see why we’re still going strong after 2-1/2 years, November 14th is your only chance this year in which to do so.
At our November meeting, we will discuss the following chapters from Merton’s book The Inner Experience, which still may be at (or can be ordered from) Baker Book House:
Chapter 6 – “Infused Contemplation” (any additional thoughts from last month’s meeting)
Chapter 7 – “Five Texts On Contemplative Prayer”
Chapter 8 – “The Paradox of the Illuminative Way”
Our meetings are free and open to the public.
NOTE: Right-click here to download the latest promotional flyer for our upcoming meeting.